So I took a further look into the 1918 flu epidemic (aka Spanish Flu). Can you believe that 50 million people died of this influenza virus over a two year period!? Also, I learned that the epidemic lasted for almost two years. Hopefully, we aren’t locked inside for that long this time around or I might go insane.

Nineteen-eighteen must have been a really shitty year for everyone. Imagine the amount of stress people were under. Not only did Europe and a large amount of the world just come out of a war that claimed 40 million lives. But then the next two years after that, another 50 million people died of disease.

I’m not trying to downplay the situation we’re currently in. Just trying to put things in perspective. Of course, I’m not happy with my current lot. I want to be traveling and putting my money to good use. But compared to the situation our grandparents and our great-grandparents found themselves in we have it a bit easy. Plus, we have the internet and Netflix to distract us while we’re hibernating.

Things are going to get better. After the Spanish Flu ran its course the Roaring Twenties began. A time known for economic growth and a radical change to previous social norms. I’m not saying that history will repeat itself. But big idea shifts usually occur after times of crisis. And I expect that to hold true in this situation.