Alexandra Goes Camping

Matt got into town on the 26th and we stayed in Arvada for a few days. Luke’s birthday was on the 28th and we went up to the grandparent’s ranch in Wyoming. It was a really good time actually. We weren’t there for very long but I really enjoy his grandparent’s company. They are really good people.

The next day we all drove up to Frisco in the late morning and we did a short hike near town. The hike was pretty solid – we ended up at a small lake and then we had good views of the mountain range in the distance. We had to turn around halfway through because there was a moose in the middle of the trail. You don’t want to mess around with those guys.

It was actually pretty funny. Luke was full steam ahead and he didn’t even realize the moose was there, maybe 25 feet ahead of him. I had to yell out “MOOSE!!” before he noticed. It was the first time I was seeing a moose that up close before. The boys thought it was great but Alexandra wasn’t all too pleased.

Before We Saw The Moose

We got lunch in town and then we went over to the campsite around 4 o’clock or so. The night turned out really well even though it rained fairly hard for an hour or two. Thankfully we had the van to take shelter in. We played cards and a few other games while waiting out the storm. I even played a song on the ukulele that I wrote. That was pretty cool.

We got a bit of a late start the next day but we had some really good weather that morning and we took our time breaking up camp. I think Alexandra’s first camping experience was a positive one. She said that she would go again. And the fact that it rained and we couldn’t have a fire means that she has a lot more to experience.

I am proud of my sister for pushing herself outside of her comfort zone. I always knew that she could handle it but I was genuinely surprised that she said yes to the suggestion initially. No hesitation either. This is her home now and I think camping will be part of her life occasionally, especially when she starts to have a family.

Anyway, Matt and I had to drive towards Granby to the next campsite but we weren’t in a huge rush. We stopped off to fish in Frisco and then we drove up the road to Cow Creek and fished at the lake there as well. No luck unfortunately.

Another Solid Camp Site

We camped right on Lake Granby that night and the campsite was really great. I would definitely go again. We did some more fishing (no fish), cooked dinner, and then went to sleep shortly after. We had an early morning.