Fantasy Canyon

Fished in the morning but was skunked again. Had a few bites but couldn’t get anything in.

I left afterward and drove straight to Vernal and got a shower, did some food shopping, and filled up the water tank. Even got a free ice cream cone from the gas station.

I drove south to this place called Fantasy Canyon but stopped along the way at this place called Horseshoe Bend. Sounded like it could be a good time when I saw it on Google Maps. So I drove up there and it ended up being a terrible idea. The roads were so gnarly and when I got up to the ridge there wasn’t anything to look at. Sometimes you try to go on an adventure and it turns out to be nothing. But that’s alright.

I got to Fantasy Canyon around 5 o’clock and I just chilled out until the early evening – it was so hot and sunny out there. Then I took a walk through once it was a little cooler out. The area is not very large but it is very unique.

The area used to be a lake a very long time ago and the shapes of the rocks formed as a result of the sand deposits getting crushed by the weight of the rocks above them over time. 

I didn’t really get into much of anything the day after. I got on the road and started driving towards Park City. Stopped a few times to go fishing but it was getting really cold and the weather was getting really bad so I decided to move on.

Checked into the hostel here and it’s really nice honestly. I already met some really great people. I’ll stay for a few days and then get moving towards the south. I want to get into the desert before it starts getting too hot.