Fifth Creek Hot Springs

The hike to the hot springs was the main thing on the agenda for the day. We started about 11 o’clock and got there in a little over an hour. Wasn’t a really challenging hike – a bit up and down but nothing too crazy. Along the creek and in the shade which was quite nice. because it was quite hot.

The springs themselves were better than I had expected. There was a waterfall that spilled out into the spring and the water was quite hot in parts. The smaller pools really were the perfect temperature though. It wasn’t crowded at all – there was enough space for everyone.

One of the families had three dogs and they also had a cockatoo with them. It was really cool to see. The bird just chilled with them the entire time. Didn’t see it fly off once.

Reminds Me of Australia

We spent about an hour at the springs and then we headed back toward the cars. Leon was moving further south than I had planned so we parted ways at the springs. Perhaps I will catch up with him in Moab.

I drove south and found a rest stop to hang out at while I watched the Ranger game on my phone. Once that was finished up I drove into the BLM land just down the road and found a spot to camp for the night.

The next day was a pretty quiet day. My original plan was to hit up Goblin Valley State Park. But looking at the map I figured it made more sense to go there after I go to Canyonlands National Park. I made my way to Moab and stopped in this small town called Green River.

I took a bit of a personal day. I found a nice park with a good amount of shade and played the ukulele and then I set up the slackline for a bit.

I can really see myself improving on the slackline. I’ve gotten so much better getting up on my right leg (my left leg is better on the slackline for some reason). I was even able to take a few steps today which is such a big accomplishment for me. Getting better!

After that, I hit up the municipal golf course in town. Only $20 for 9 holes with a cart. The greens were in horrendous shape but it was just fun to be out there and hitting some balls. I hadn’t played since Vernal.

From there I went to Moab. Hit up the hostel in town and took a shower there. It’s fairly cheap here so I will definitely stay there at least one day before I leave town.

Desert Sunset

In the evening I met up with Charlotte and Leon and had dinner in this area of town with a bunch of food trucks. We went over to Arches National Park for the sunset after dinner.