Challenge Accepted (Part 3)

So there I am on the side of the road. Car is dead. So I need a tow. But there’s no cell service.

I wave down the first car and it’s these two younger guys. I ask them if they can drive me down the road to get some service. But they tell me that they aren’t going that way and wish me luck and drive off. Pretty shit to be honest.

But maybe it worked out for the best because the next car ended up turning out to be my saving grace. Mark and Lynn pulled over and were helpful right away. They didn’t have any signal either so they took me back to their house about 15 minutes down the road. They had WiFi and that really helped make the situation more manageable.

I had a tough time getting a tow truck in town with my insurance. About an hour after I made the request I got a call from State Farm. They told me none of the tow services in town were willing to take the insurance and that I would have to pay out of pocket. Like a lot out of pocket. Like close to a thousand dollars out of pocket.

So Lynn and I started calling around. They had State Farm as well and they knew a ton of people in town did. It didn’t make sense that the tow services wouldn’t take the insurance.

While we were figuring out the problem they treated me like family. They gave me lunch and a beer and they tried their best to help me find a solution. We had a really great conversation too and it was just nice to be in their presence while all this was going on.

Long story short we figured everything out. I finally got matched up with a tow service in Grand Junction and I would tow it there to get the repairs done. I would pay out of pocket because my coverage only covers a certain distance but it was a small amount compared to what they had quoted me previously.

And since Grand Junction is a larger city I would be able to get to the mechanic way easier than in a small town like Moab. I spoke with a shop that the tow service recommended and they told me they could take a look at it the next day. So that made me feel better about the situation.

All in all, it was a very challenging few days. But I am proud of myself because even though things went completely off the rails I was prepared enough to solve the problems and put myself in a better situation. I stayed calm and avoided making any further mistakes that could have exacerbated the situation.

When you come out here you have to understand that something like this happening is always a possibility. But when you can work your way through it it helps to boost your confidence. And hey, I met some really great people that bent over backward to help me. There are so many good people in this world.