Last Day In Moab

We got up really early and got into the park before 8 o’clock. We wanted to do one more day in the park before we left. We headed to Devil’s Garden which is at the northern end of the park.

The hike itself was fairly straightforward. Probably 6 miles or so. There was some rock scrambling but it was no problem. I am a rock climber now after all!

There were so many different things to see on this trail. I think my favorite part of the hike was Partition Arch. The arch is up on the hillside and if you look through it at the right angle you can see the entire landscape below. It’s like you are looking at a painting.

The Geology Here Is Amazing!

The afternoon was pretty slow. But Amanda and I met up with Mark and Lynn for dinner in town. This is the couple that literally saved my life when my car broke down. It was really fun to reconnect with them over a meal.

They are so sweet. It’s just funny how you can make strong connections with someone so quickly. Lynn was saying that normally they wouldn’t even consider bringing someone in to their home in that type of situation. But we built a rapport so quickly and things just worked out.

We camped on the river again and spent the night with these two men that we met the night before. It was really great getting to know them. One is a former Olympic swimmer from Barbados and the other is a musician from Quebec. He actually has quite a large following and goes on tour fairly frequently in Canada. He even gave us an album and signed it for us.

Today is going to be more of a travel day. I am getting my oil changed now and then we will head out in the afternoon. We might stop off at the state park outside of town but it depends on the weather. The next major stop is Great Basin. Did I mention that we are heading north?