Thousand Springs

We moved on from the river campsite fairly early. We did a little more fishing and Amanda learned how to cast. She did a good job until she started overthinking it. But we didn’t catch anything. Even though I could see a lot of fish feeding. Sometimes you just have to wrong setup.

North and west of Hagerman is a state park. Thousand Springs State Park. It’s a few separate areas. So it’s more like five smaller parks under one umbrella.

We started off in the Box Canyon area. There is a two-mile hike down the canyon and then along the river to this swimming hole. The area s so lush and green and there is a really nice waterfall that we walked past.

Nice To Be Back In The Green

The water at the swimming hole was so clear. You could easily see to the bottom of the river which must have been ten feet in spots. We took a swim but the water was absolutely frigid so we didn’t swim for too long.

The spot was so peaceful and we got there early enough that we mostly had it to ourselves. We left as soon as it started to get a bit crowded.

The other part of the park we really liked was Ritter Island. The island is a historical site. They have an old ranch there but we didn’t walk through it. It was so hot at that point in the day that we just chilled in the stream and had a beer. There were tons of people there – it was like a little party.

Not much else happened after we left the park area. I found a dispersed campsite up the road towards Boise right by this windmill farm. It was a nice little place to park up for the night.