Bruneau Sand Dunes

Our next major stop was Boise but we took a detour to Bruneau Sand Dunes State Park. It is very similar to Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado. Just a bit smaller.

But the park here has taller sand dunes. Just by a little but that was cool to find out. I thought the sand dune I climbed in Colorado was the biggest. But I was mistaken.

We did a short loop around one of the lakes and then up the sand dune. We walked along the ridge of the dune for a while and then back down the other side.

Hiking The Ridge

The trek-up was a bit tiring. It always feels a little longer than it actually is when you’re hiking through the sand. One step doesn’t always equal one step. You’re always sliding a bit downhill.

On the other side of the ridge had what they called a “vortex crater”. The sand dunes here were extremely steep and it looked like a crater. If it was a ski mountain trail it would be a proper bowl situation. A double black for sure. I didn’t get information on how it formed but it must be something with the wind patterns in the area.

We made our descent down the sand dune and got a little off the trail. We had to hop over a few fences but we made it back to where we had to be. The trip in total was probably two hours long.

Our View On The Way Back

We made our way to Boise after and got in around 4 o’clock – just in time for check-in. It’s a cute little place. We spent the rest of the night doing some cleaning up and we relaxed and watched a movie. Just a suggestion – don’t watch “The End of the World” – it’s a horrible movie.