Hello Hawaii

The trip has officially begun. I spent a day in San Diego with Dylan and I’m glad that I stopped off there. He is watching my cat, Einstein, and I got to see him before I left. That made me really happy.

I got into Hawaii around lunchtime and went directly to the hostel. The location is great actually. About two blocks from Waikiki Beach which is the main tourist spot. It couldn’t be better.

After checking in I decided to walk the beach for a little bit. I was feeling a bit run down like I was getting a cold, so I figured the sun could only do me good. The beach is actually much smaller than I thought it would be. It is a long beach but it’s only about 100 feet wide.

The hotels are built up to the edge of the beach and it can be a bit crowded. They have boats coming in right onto the beach and people are constantly getting on and off for tours. It was fun to walk for a bit and do some people-watching.

People Watching On Waikiki Beach

My plan was to have a quiet night after making dinner but that didn’t exactly happen. I met a few people and found that some of them were also traveling for a year or more. One girl had just started her trip and Honolulu was her first stop, same as me.

A few of us decided to link up the next day and hit some of the popular spots together. Diamond Head is a well-known place to visit and naturally is super touristy. It’s an inactive volcano that overlooks Honolulu and it only takes half an hour to hike to the top. You can see it in the background in the picture above.

The View From The Top Was Pretty Awesome

We didn’t stay too long but we got some awesome photos. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and do the touristy activity. There’s a reason why everybody wants to partake in the first place.

Afterward, we came back into the area and laid by the beach for a few hours. I need to get rid of the farmer’s tan that I have but it’s not easy. We’re discussing renting a car between the four of us and taking a trip to the other side of the island tomorrow. I am staying in an AirBnB over there and it would be ideal if we can manage to do that.

One thought on “Hello Hawaii

  1. Looks like you trip is starting off well. We were in the same place many years ago and might have the same picture somewhere 💕

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