Time To Reset

If I am going to be honest, my experience in Melbourne has been a bit of a mixed bag. No doubt, I’ve met some really awesome people and I learned a lot from each of them. I’ve made some great memories here. And I can easily see why people find this city such a good place to live.

However, my routine has gone to utter shit ever since I arrived. I went a little overboard that first week here. I was so excited to be moving to a new country and as I previously said, it’s difficult to say no to good people when they invite you out to have a drink.

After a week of mostly partying I feel a bit empty and unfulfilled. Which is natural I think. That type of lifestyle was never going to be sustainable. It’s an odd feeling really and a bit difficult to explain. I know that it’s impossible to meet someone new every single day. I know that I need to take certain days to take care of myself. To lay low and reset. But I also feel like I’m wasting my time if I’m not going out and creating new friendships. I have to have more compassion for myself and understand that every day doesn’t need to be an adventure.

I think it really comes down to my mindset. I have to think about this trip in a different way than I have been since I arrived in Australia. This needs to be more of a living remotely type of thing as opposed to just traveling around and being on vacation all the time.

I think the hostel environment has a big part to play in this. In Melbourne, the hostels are very large. There are a hundred-plus people staying in the same place and the hostels are very party-centric. I feel like I am staying in a hotel or a college dorm. With a set up like that, it’s a bit more difficult to behave yourself.

When I was in New Zealand the hostels were much much smaller. It was easier to meet people that I felt were looking for the same things as me. It felt like I was staying in a home. I felt like I was living at each place I was staying in. And obviously that type of feeling helps to maintain a healthy routine.

I have to be careful when I move on to Sydney on the 17th. Just because something is available to me doesn’t mean I have to indulge in it. I don’t think the hostel scene will change very much in Sydney and it’ll be up to me to make a decision for myself. This trip is a marathon, not a sprint, and I’d like to get back to treating it that way.