So What’s The Plan? (Part 2)

When I first was planning this trip I thought about the things that I wanted to do the most. It helped me create the base for my year-long journey. I narrowed the list down to three things –

  • Hiking in New Zealand
  • Hiking to Mount Everest Base Camp
  • Hiking in Patagonia

All these spots are best to visit during different times of the year. The time to go to New Zealand is January to April and I decided to start my trip there. The hiking season in the Himalayas happens between April and May. And similar to New Zealand, Patagonia is best during the summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

In April I will be in Bali and I’ll have to make a decision. Should I move to India and set myself up to be in Nepal by May? Or do I continue exploring Indonesia and Malaysia with the goal of working my way into Southeast Asia?

If I move to India then I’ll have a month to explore the north before heading over to Nepal to start the trek. My plan will be more rigid because I have to be in a certain place at a certain time but I think a month is enough. I really want to take my time in India because it’s so big and so diverse.

If I stay in Indonesia and work my way up I will be more flexible. Southeast Asian countries are very affordable and it’s easier to find travel and accommodations on the fly. There’s something romantic about the idea of traveling without any particular plan. You arrive and you leave when you feel like it and I want to experience that.

I have good options. I have to remind myself that I have the freedom to do what I want this next year. Sometimes I get wrapped up in trying to create the perfect plan but such a thing doesn’t exist. Having to make this type of decision isn’t really a problem.