
Tuna is done differently in New Zealand and Australia. Sure they have your typical tuna in a can swimming in either water or oil. But it doesn’t stop there. They’re selling tuna premixed in other flavors and it’s a game-changer.

We’re talking pop the tuna out of the can, throw it on some toast or crackers, and you have yourself a meal. It’s been extremely convenient for me while moving around. Sweet Chili has been my favorite so far. When I make tuna back home I always throw a little hot sauce and honey in there and this mimics that pretty well.

The Mild Indian Curry flavor is also an honorable mention. Not sure what it is but this thing tastes like a Sloppy Joe which I haven’t had in a really long time.

The weirdest I’ve seen is Mayonnaise and Corn flavor. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t taste bad. The mayo is a little on the light side for my taste but it was edible. But who in their right mind is mixing corn and mayonnaise? It seems like an odd combo to me.

Weird, Right?

Anyway, I’m pretty disappointed that we don’t have this going on back in the United States. I understand there are cultural differences. Not all products are going to sell the same from country to country. But I’d have to think that flavored tuna in a can would be a hit.

Maybe a business idea to pursue?