Same Old Ish

I’ve been gone the last five days but that’s mostly because there really has’t been much going on. At this point it just feels like I’m waiting to go back home and just finding different ways to spend the time between now and then.

Most days I take a walk along the beach and stop every so often to read and take in the scenery. I will say this, I am very grateful to be here in Sydney of all places. It really is a beautiful city, especially out here near the ocean. The cliffs along the coast remind me of California or even the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland.

The beaches are closed but that’s not stopping many people from heading to the water and having a swim. A lot of the coves in the area are just rock formations without any sand beach. So people have been coming out in droves to take advantage of the beautiful weather. It’s not easy for the police to break up the party in these areas.

My Favorite Place To Sit And Watch The Surfers

They have been doing a good job around Bondi though. Several times over the last few days I’ve decided to hang out in the grassy area overlooking the beach. And each time I’ve been told to move along by officers. Mind you I’m not near anyone. Most people doing the same are respecting the social distancing rules. But nonetheless we get told to move along.

I understand why they don’t want sunbathing in the park. If it’s allowed then soon it will get very crowded. But it feels frustrating to be constantly chased away from hanging out in the sun when you aren’t doing anything wrong.

Today I took a walk to South Head which is one of the points where Sydney Bay starts. The walk took about an hour and a half from Bondi but it was definitely worth it. Most of the time I was able to walk along or near the cliffs edge which was really nice. It was a clear day and there were so many boats out on the water.

Not Many Beaches On This Side Of the Peninsula

It’s pretty cool to see how many small beaches are scattered around the bay. Obviously Bondi is the major beach but you find so many smaller ones. And the water looks pretty clean. It just seems like a really pleasant place to live.

The View At The End Of The Walk

When I finally reached Watsons Bay I hung out at the lighthouse and watched the boats and the birds on the water. I read a bit as well and then turned back for home. It probably is a great place to watch the sunset but I didn’t feel like hanging out for that long. I think it’s a place that I will visit again before I leave.