Nielson Park

I made another new discovery on this side of the city yesterday. I was dead set on getting out of the hostel for most of the day and I found another park nearby that I hadn’t had a chance to visit. So around mid-day I set off to check it out.

I stopped for lunch near Rose Bay which is about a 45-minute walk from Bondi Beach. I met this Australian couple on my walk around the public park there. They were talking about Americans and how they use Amazon for everything. So I butted in and started chatting them up real quick.

As I approached Nielson Park I checked the map and saw that they was a small walking trail along the water that would also take me there. So of course I decided to check that out. It was actually quite nice. A legitimate hike right along the coast. I was able to duck down onto some trails that led to the water’s edge and the views of the Sydney skyline were pretty awesome.

Every so often I would stumble upon these small beaches. It had me thinking that they would be the perfect place to watch the famous fireworks show on New Years Eve.

The houses out here are huge and some of them have back doors that just open up onto the trail. The small beaches kind of function like their own private beach which I thought was pretty cool. You have to make a lot of money to live in this area!

The trail wasn’t too long – maybe about a 30 to 45 minute walk. At that point I got into Nielson Park. Not much going on here. The views from the walk up were a bit nicer than what the park had to offer. But I made my way to the very edge of the park. It has a cool name – Bottle and Glass Point.

I sat here for a while and just watched the sailboats make their way around the bay. It was a really relaxing time. I’m definitely thankful that I have the ability to see things like this when most of the world is on lockdown.

I think I am going to move on from Sydney once my stay in Bondi is up on the 4th. I am still unsure if I’m going to rent a car or take a train all the way to Byron Bay. But I feel like moving on and seeing something new. I have that sense of adventure again.