Malabar Park

I had one more major park to visit in Sydney (I think) and I took the trip yesterday. From Bondi Beach the walk took about two hours but it was a fairly nice day. I was able to walk mainly along the shore so I didn’t mind the distance.

My first week here I walked from Coogee Beach to Bondi Beach. It’s a very famous walk that most tourists visit. This time I did the walk in the opposite direction so I was able to see things from a different point of view.

When I got to Coogee I had a little bit to eat and explored the area around the beach. I hadn’t taken the time to do that when I first visited over a month ago. It definitely doesn’t feel like it’s been that long!

Workers looked like they were taking down the barricades by the beach which is a good sign. They wouldn’t be taking them down if the restrictions weren’t going to be lifted soon.

Malabar Park was maybe another 45 minutes up the road. It’s been a bit chillier in Sydney the last few days and the wind was blowing pretty hard. But the walk was still quite nice because the sun was shining.

The cliffs here are a bit larger than the ones you see near Bondi. About halfway into the walk, I arrived at Magic Point which is a good place to hang out and have lunch. During WWII they built a few bunkers along the coast to protect the harbor. I sat in one of them for a while and just thought about my current situation. The view from there was really beautiful.

The View From The Bunker

I continued on to Boora Point which is the most easterly part of the park. Across the bay, I could see the golf course that they built right along the cliff’s edge. It looked like a really challenging course and it gave me the itch to play again.

The View From Boora Point

I’ve made the decision to head out of Sydney on Monday. After a month and a half here I am ready to see something different. I’m ready to meet new people. And I’m ready to get back into the warmer weather.