
This past week has been a very lazy one for me. I can’t say I’ve done much worthy of talking about. It’s very social here and every night we hang out in the courtyard. Most of my evenings consist of drinking beers and smoking with some of the friends I’ve made at the hostel.

I’m thankful to be in a place that hasn’t been hit hard by the virus. The social distancing laws are not strictly enforced here. We’re all living in a little bubble disconnected from the outside world.

Ever since I arrived I haven’t been checking the news and keeping up with what’s happening internationally with COVID. When I was back in Sydney I was watching the news all the time. There wasn’t much else to do at that point.

To feel as disconnected from the outside world as I am feeling now is both a good and a bad thing I think. I haven’t been as stressed out and I haven’t been worrying about my plan for the future. But being too disconnected isn’t all that great either. I haven’t been communicating with my family and friends as often. I need to do a better job of that.

The weather has been holding up. Rain was in the forecast for this week but it stayed sunny the last few days and I’ve spent a lot of time on the beach. Not doing anything in particular there except hanging out. But it’s a good way to pass the time.

I will admit though, it is getting a bit boring. I just don’t really have much of a purpose at the moment. I don’t have a plan for my day when I wake up in the morning. I grab some breakfast, sit down in the common area, and chat up with some people. And then we figure out something to do for the rest of the day. It usually takes us about an hour to organize ourselves and then by that time it’s already the early afternoon.

I am starting to feel a little bit like I did when I was in Melbourne. I am losing my routine. I haven’t been meditating or practicing Spanish nearly as much since I arrived. These two activities are things I’m used to doing every day. I know I have to make a change if I don’t feel excited to meditate or learn Spanish most days of the week.

I also haven’t been writing. I have a lot of free time so I should be writing something down here every few days. Sometimes it is difficult to write because I am not sure what I want to write about. But I have enough time to figure something out. I have been focusing on socializing and I haven’t carved out enough time for myself.

I really struggle to find a balance between taking time and energy to take care of myself and using my energy to invest in other people and share experiences with them. I get polarized on either side of the spectrum sometimes. I need to continue to work at it and find a balance.