Killen Falls

Kind of an odd day yesterday. I went into town in the morning because I desperately needed to get some food. There’s a shuttle that can bring you into town which is a nice perk because the town is about a half-hour walk away from the hostel. And if you need to get a lot from the store then you’re going to have a tough time carrying it back.

Unfortunately, the shuttle must have forgotten about us. We waited where we were dropped off and for a bit, I thought we were going to have to walk back. But thankfully we saw one of our friends in town and they gave us a ride back to the hostel.

Jade and Megan were in bad shape in the morning. The original plan was to head to one of the waterfalls in the area but it didn’t look like they were going to be able to do it when I left for the store. They must have rallied while we were gone and got themselves moving. We got back and they were already on their way there.

So it was up to the boys and I to find a ride. Thankfully, our friend Gleb wanted to go too and he gave us a lift. The waterfall wasn’t terribly far away, maybe about a twenty minutes drive.

Most of the people that had gone out there earlier in the day we’re leaving when we arrived but the girls stayed around for a bit. It was a nice little spot. A stream that ran for about a few hundred meters being fed by a waterfall.

The waterfall was pretty powerful and we went down to check it out. I just sat there for a little while and observed. Most everyone went into the water but it was freezing cold so I just dipped my feet in.

We drank a few beers, smoked a bit, and then we left. Maybe we stayed there for two hours, maybe less to be honest.

I didn’t take any pictures to share here so I’ll have to grab a few from my friends and post them. There were a few times that I felt like I should take some pictures. Especially on the observation deck that overlooked the waterfall. But I decided to just observe and try to live in the present moment.

There are times when I am taking pictures of everything and then there are times I feel it’s not too important. You don’t need the perfect picture of everything. Sometimes just focusing on being as present as possible can be better than a picture. I think so anyway.