Back Again

I’ve decided that I need to begin writing again. It’s been close to a month since I last wrote something here. I haven’t been on many adventures lately but there’s still a lot to write about. I promise to catch everybody up on what’s been happening. I just need some time to process it all so I can express myself the way that I want to.

It isn’t easy to say this but I’ve been in a bit of a rut over the last few months. I haven’t felt motivated to write because I didn’t know how to get my feelings across without causing people to worry. It isn’t simple to talk about these types of things openly. But I would like to be more open here. It will help me get through whatever it is that’s bothering me.

The good news is that I’ve been feeling better the last few days. It’s going to take some time for me to feel the way that I want to feel. And that’s okay. I understand this is a process. I’ve been down this road before.

When I originally set out on this trip I understood that it wasn’t always going to be smooth sailing. I knew I was going to have good times and bad times. Right now I’m going through a bad period. But I understand what changes I need to make to feel more like myself.

I think it’ll be easier to make these changes once I move on from Byron Bay. The border to Queensland is opening tomorrow and my plan is to head north in another week or so. I think a change of scenery will be a good thing for me. I’m ready to explore this country again.

I also heard back about my visa application and it’s been accepted. So now I can stay in the country until the end of October. I’ll have another four and a half months to take a look around Australia. My plan is to continue towards Darwin like I originally set out to do. I think it’ll take me another two months to get up there.

That’s where I’ll make a decision about my next move. If I want to remain in Australia I’ll still have some time left on my visa. And if I want to see something different then I’ll move on. I’m confident that by that time I’ll have the opportunity to travel abroad if I want to.

I’ll end it like this. I am extremely fortunate to be where I am, when I am. I’m in a beautiful place surrounded by beautiful people. This isn’t lost on me. I might not being feeling at my best right now but I’m excited for what the future has to offer. There are still so many people to meet and adventures to have. I’m looking forward to seeing what the next part of this trip has in store.