Waterfall Circuit

Surprise! More waterfalls!

This is going to be a constant theme so buckle up your seat belts and cue that song about chasing waterfalls and sticking to rivers and what not.

Just west of Cairns are these mountains and it separates the coastline from a plateau. The plateau is called the Atherton Tablelands, named after the largest town in this section of the country. The tablelands, as most people around here refer to them are absolutely stunning. Rolling hills and mountains. Tons of farms. And a shit ton of waterfalls.

Back in Airlie Beach, when I took the Whitsunday cruise, I met this Aussie bloke named Scott. Really cool guy and we hit it off from the beginning. He was travelling up the coast as well and he happened to be in Cairns the same time I was. We spent some time together in the city, just hanging out, and we decided to make a move to the tablelands to check out some of these waterfalls.

I Met Scott In Airlie Beach

The drive in is about an hour or so and on the way we remembered that there was this tea estate that was supposed to have their own resident tree kangaroos. A tree kangaroo doesn’t really look like a kangaroo. It looks more like sloth or a red panda. But supposedly they are extremely rare in the wild. So making the detour ended up being a great decision for multiple reasons.

Not only did we see the tree kangaroos but we met this older couple while we were there. They came to see the tree kangaroos too but it was obvious they were looking for something more than that.

The woman was very attractive. They were both in their fifties I would say. She was very fit. A ginger with a bubbly personality. And she was wearing basically nothing. Overalls with no bra and I would assume no panties.

After about five minutes of chatting with them she just pulls out her breasts. And her husband just starts taking pictures. They asked us if we wanted to jump in the photos with her. They wanted to mark the occasion with some photo evidence. Certainly taking photos of her half naked would be a better way to mark the occasion than taking pictures of the actual animals themselves, right?

It was an odd experience but you just got to roll with it sometimes.

Anyway, when we finished up there we finished the rest of the drive to this small little town called Millaa Millaa. Here they have a beautiful waterfall, appropriately called the Millaa Millaa waterfall. It was a bit later in the day so it was pretty cold to swim in. But this waterfall is just a beauty. Like the perfect waterfall to look at in my opinion. If there was one waterfall perfect for a movie this would be it.

Ain’t She A Beaut?

When we got done there we hopped back in the car and followed the waterfall circuit road. Around the town there are a number of different waterfalls. So they built a road that takes you to every single one. No long walks either. So if you’re super lazy and you want to see some beautiful spots this is definitely the place for you.

I don’t remember the names of all of them to be fair (I’ll look them up later) but I’ll just provide some pictures because trying to describe all of them would be impossible.

Ellinjaa Falls – That’s The Name

By the time we got done with the circuit, it was pretty late in the afternoon. So it was hard for us to make it out to the other waterfalls we wanted to see because the roads here take you in some pretty roundabout ways. A waterfall could be 10 kilometres away straight line but the drive will be 50 kilometres because of how the way the roads are built. So we stopped at a few smaller ones on the way back to Cairns.

All in all a pretty solid day waterfall hunting. Saw some tree kangaroos, got to chat with a few exhibitionist in the middle of the car park at the tea estate, and swam in some beautiful waterfalls. On to the next adventure!