Non-Stop Summer

My flight has been delayed by three hours. So I’m sitting here in a food court at Newark Airport waiting. I haven’t written anything in a little bit so figured this was about as good a time as any.

My two-month work contract is winding down. Monday is my last day, so I just have to tie up some loose ends and leave my team in a good position to pick up where I left off.

It looks like everything is settled for me to come back in July. I’ll have a few months off between now and then. And honestly, I am going to be pretty damn busy.

My first stop is Florida. My friend Hunter is getting married in Key West on Thursday and I’m pretty excited about it. A lot of my friends from New York will be there. It is going to be awesome to reconnect with them and hear about all they’ve been up to.

The plan is to stay in Florida for a few weeks. I will stay with my parents for the majority of that time and I’m also pretty stoked about that. I think this has been the longest we have gone without seeing each other. About 15 months at this point.

The goal is to get a car and that will be on top of my list while I’m down there. It’s going to be a pretty good initial outlay of cash. But I’m confident that this is what I want. My desire to buy the van and fix it up hasn’t diminished in the last few months. I’m still just as excited about it as I was when I came back in February.

Dad will be a great resource. I would go out and try to get the best deal if I was on my own. But I know that with Dad by my side no stone will be left unturned. We will find the best deal out there. No doubt about it.

From there the plan is to drive all the way back to Colorado. I don’t think I’ll be making many stops along the way. I might stop in a few places in Florida to see a few friends. Tobin is somewhere north of Orlando. And Meghan is back in the United States. She’s over in Panama City.

A stop in Charlotte is also possible. Tom has moved down there with his fiance and he’s really working the real estate market down there. I’d like to check out the life he is making for himself. Especially because I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to his bachelor party in May.

Erika is coming to visit me in Colorado the second week of May. It’s been years since I’ve seen her. I’m really excited to reconnect. The plan is to go out on a four of five day camping trip in the Rocky Mountains. It will be the first test for the van.

The fun doesn’t stop there. Afterwards my plan is to head back to New York. My friend Chris is having a bachelor party in the Poconos and I want to go out there to support him. Plus I can use the few days in NYC to reconnect with some people. It will be a good.

Then back to Colorado because Mom and Dad are heading out there for a few weeks. I would imagine that I would spend a good deal of this time working on the van. My plan is to get the van upgraded in installments but I would like to get the electrical system set up and a bed in there to start.

Matt, Luke’s brother, might head out towards the end of May for a week or two. So maybe I’ll be heading on another camping trip around then.

So yeah a very very very busy summer ahead for me. But I don’t mind. It’s all going to be about reconnecting with a ton of people that I haven’t seen in a while. What more can I ask for?