Agnes Water

I ended up staying at this really odd camping site the night I left Noosa Heads. It was basically a gas station with a grassy area to the side of it. Right off the side of the road. I didn’t mind too much because it was a free camp ground. And I had a fire pit to make a fire.

That’s one of the many things I’ve learned on my trip to Australia. How to make a fire. It’s not awfully hard to be honest. But God damn is it satisfying once you get it going.

I stopped off at Rainbow Beach the next morning. It’s a place I’ve been to before but only for an afternoon. We stopped off there on our way back to Noosa from Fraser Island.

I took a short walk along the coast and ended up at this sand blow which was actually pretty cool. It reminded me of the movie “Where The Wild Things Are”. There’s a scene where the main characters are walking through a desert and my mind immediately went there.

Rainbow Beach Almost Has A Desert Feel To It

The sand dunes at Rainbow Beach are very famous and I was definitely impressed. Just these huge cliff faces made of sand and red stone. It’s possible to camp on the beach but you need a 4WD vehicle and the Yaris definitely doesn’t fit the bill. But it seems like a good time.

From there I moved along to Agnes Water which is just a small town a two hour drive away from Rainbow. After a few days of camping, I was happy to stay at a hostel and get a proper night’s sleep.

The hostel itself was pretty cool. Very chill and not too many people. Maybe 15 people were staying there and we had a little drinking session. We ended up going to the beach and drinking there for a bit but it wasn’t that serious. We wrapped everything up by midnight.

I met a German girl and a Swiss girl at the hostel and we went on a bit of a hike together the next morning. Not terribly long to be fair and it spit us out onto this small beach in 1770. Yes the town is called 1770. This is the year that Captain Cook discovered the place for the British.

Anyway, the beach was extremely beautiful and the water was just so blue. There wasn’t really anybody else there. We finished up the day with a BBQ in the park (there are public BBQs everywhere in Australia) and then we drove an hour and change to a campsite and we camped together. Very chill. Just drank some beers and chatted around the fire.

Lots Of Private Beaches In Australia

In the morning they headed to Rockhampton which was also my destination but I decided to go on a hike before starting the drive there. I found a mountain on the map and decided to hike up it.

It was fairly challenging but easily doable. There was some rock scrambling involved especially at the end there but the views from the top were extremely nice. I mediated on the peak and it was so peaceful.

Now I’m in Rockhampton and I’ll stay here for the night. Move on to this place called Yeepoon and then maybe Airlie Beach. But it’s a long drive so I will probably stop off an camp for the night.