Australia Day

So I got into Sydney no problem at all. There was a bit of a mix up with my flights. A few of them got canceled but I was able to get on the plane and get into Sydney in time for Australia Day.

Australia Day celebrates Captain Cook’s landing in Australia. It’s kind of like July 4th for Australians but not exactly the same. It’s actually quite controversial because it marks the point in time Aboriginal Australians started to become second class citizens in their own country.

After camping on my own for the past few weeks I was ready to get partying to be fair. One of my good friends Carter lives here and that was the main reason that I came to Sydney. I wanted to see him before I leave.

He was one of the friends that I met in Byron (there are so many) but he really helped me out when I was feeling down. We went on a three-week road trip up the coast to Noosa and that was a real learning experience for me. A turning point in my trip.

Australia Day was a hilarious time. We went to Coogee Beach first and then linked up with a few of Carter’s buddies in Gordons Bay. This was one of my favorite spots when I was in Sydney the first time. It’s, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful parts of the city. But the last time I was here there was no one around because of the lockdown.

My First Time At Gordons Bay

This time it was a madhouse. There were people everywhere and everyone was keen to party. To be fair, things got a little messy but I really enjoyed myself. We spent a good part of the day there and then did some bar hopping.

Gordons Bay on Australia Day

The next day was not the most pleasant, I am not going to lie. But I regret nothing.

My original plan was to rent a car after spending a few days in Sydney and check out a couple of spots north between the city and Byron Bay. But the weather called for a good chance of rain for a large portion of the week. And I really didn’t feel like spending the money on the car if I wasn’t going to be able to enjoy the weather.

Of course, it really hasn’t rained that much the last few days. It actually has been quite beautiful. Which is fine. I mean, I would have loved to see and experience a few more places. here But I think a part of it was chasing that travel wanderlust high before leaving the country.

I did a lot of driving when I was in South Australia and there’s a good chance I will have to drive from San Diego to Denver when I get back to the states. So in the long term, it’s probably better that I stay off the road and kind of just chill in Sydney. I will experience the city for what it has to offer.

Besides just hanging out, I haven’t done all too much. Caught up with a few friends that are still here and made a short trip to the Australia Museum, which is the oldest museum in Australia. I still have to go back because I only saw the first floor so I will fill you all in once I make the return trip.