So What’s The Plan? (Part 2)

When I first was planning this trip I thought about the things that I wanted to do the most. It helped me create the base for my year-long journey. I narrowed the list down to three things –

  • Hiking in New Zealand
  • Hiking to Mount Everest Base Camp
  • Hiking in Patagonia

All these spots are best to visit during different times of the year. The time to go to New Zealand is January to April and I decided to start my trip there. The hiking season in the Himalayas happens between April and May. And similar to New Zealand, Patagonia is best during the summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

In April I will be in Bali and I’ll have to make a decision. Should I move to India and set myself up to be in Nepal by May? Or do I continue exploring Indonesia and Malaysia with the goal of working my way into Southeast Asia?

If I move to India then I’ll have a month to explore the north before heading over to Nepal to start the trek. My plan will be more rigid because I have to be in a certain place at a certain time but I think a month is enough. I really want to take my time in India because it’s so big and so diverse.

If I stay in Indonesia and work my way up I will be more flexible. Southeast Asian countries are very affordable and it’s easier to find travel and accommodations on the fly. There’s something romantic about the idea of traveling without any particular plan. You arrive and you leave when you feel like it and I want to experience that.

I have good options. I have to remind myself that I have the freedom to do what I want this next year. Sometimes I get wrapped up in trying to create the perfect plan but such a thing doesn’t exist. Having to make this type of decision isn’t really a problem.

So What’s The Plan?

Honestly, I don’t know what the plan is right now. I’d like to go with the flow as much as I can. I hate to admit it but I like to have a detailed itinerary in place before setting off.

But my experiences have taught me that being flexible is always a better idea. Some of my best travel stories happened completely out of the blue. I’ve met new people and joined them for an adventure that they were planning. Or someone at the hostel told me about something fun to do that I hadn’t considered before and I went for it.

I’d like to tread the line between planning and having no plan, if that makes sense. I want to have a few things locked down, especially for parts of the trip that involve experiences that I know will be in high demand.

I would definitely like to stay in the warm weather for most of the trip. I didn’t take a year off from my job just so I could continue being cold! But I think it is very manageable because I’m starting my trip in New Zealand when it will be summer there.

After hiking around New Zealand for a while the next logical stop is Australia. I understand that there’s a lot happening there at the moment with the bush fires but I can avoid those areas if I have to. I can still travel to the other parts of Australia that I want to see.

I am pretty hell bent on Bali after Australia. Flights from Northern Australia to the island are fairly cheap (though they are getting more expensive!). It’s the logical next move. But after this I am not totally sure what the next step should look like. I’m torn between a few options.

The Journey Begins

Well not quite. I’ll be leaving the country at the end of the month. I have to stop off to see some friends and family before I go.

I don’t think it’s hit me just yet though. And I don’t think it really will until I step out of the airport for the first time and realize what I’ve gotten myself into.

When I was working all those late nights I always imagined the day in which I would walk out of the office for the last time. I imagined a feeling of conquest, of pride, of excitement for the next chapter in my life.

But it didn’t feel unusual walking out of the office on Wednesday. I thought I’d feel more nervous as the day approached. I thought I’d second guess this decision. But I feel calm because I feel this is the right decision for me right now.

I understand that this trip is going to be tough. I’m going to get lonely. I will face challenges. Things will probably go disastrously bad at times. I will sacrifice the ability to spend time with my friends and family. I won’t be there for birthdays, weddings, and other major milestones. Nothing comes free in this life. To gain the type of freedom I want I have to sacrifice something.

But I understand what I’m getting in return and I plan to make the most of it. I’m 28 years old, I have no debt and I’m single. Nothing is tying me down to New York City or any other place for that matter. So if not now, then when?

I used to dream about making a decision like this. I met several people on my previous trips that have done just what I am about to do. But I didn’t think I dared to make this decision. Over time I realized that I was holding myself back. I had to overcome and change old thought patterns so I could create a better life for myself.