Big Sky

It has been a whirlwind the last week or so and we needed some time to rest. So we decided to stay in Big Sky for a few days and lay low. This is a big ski resort area and I wanted to check it out and see what it was all about. I’d love to come back in the winter and ski the mountain.

After we left the park on Sunday afternoon we stopped off in West Yellowstone for lunch. It was a tourist town. Lots of gift shops and over-priced food but we were thankful to get some pizza and a beer.

I found this campsite about 45 minutes north of the town and it was a nice little spot. We hung out by the creek for a bit and then we headed up the road to the campground. Nothing special, just a flat dirt parking lot with a pit toilet.

There was a farm right across the way. As we were making dinner, the horses from the form came by and gathered in the pasture close by to the van. There were quite a few of them. Maybe about fifty or so. All different colors and it was fun to watch them play with each other. They are so strong and graceful.

Making New Friends

Big Sky was pretty dead. I mean it was to be expected. It’s the off season. But I was expecting the town to have more to offer. There was one small street with a few shops and the community center seemed nice. But besides that there really wasn’t much going on.

The golf course was really nice and I spent the afternoons there. I didn’t play a round becuse it was a bit more expensive than I would have liked. But I did spend some time practicing my chipping. I think I want to focus more on practicing than playing this next month or so.

In the afternoon on Tuesday we hiked the Beehive Basin trail on the recommendation of a person I met at one of the coffee shops. It was a fairly difficult hike because it was uphill the entire way. But it wasn’t very long – about seven miles total.

View From The Top

There were so many wildflowers on the trail. I felt like I was in The Sound of Music or something. At the top there was a small lake and there was a really beautiful view of the valley down below. We decided to hike a little further to the another overlook spot and we chilled up there for a bit.

Amanda was keen on hiking to the top of the mountain. It looked doable but it was a pure rock scramble for about 500 feet or so. I just didn’t feel comfortable with it. The rock looked loose and it was getting late. It didn’t take too much convincing to get her off the idea.