Bondi Beach

Saturday happened to be an absolutely beautiful day. Eighty-five degrees and not a cloud in the sky. I jumped on a bus towards Coogee Beach which is southwest of the city center. Only a thirty-minute bus ride from the place I’m staying in. It was a fairly easy trip.

The first thing that I did was find a quiet place in the shade to meditate. I’ve still been meditating since I arrived in Sydney last week but it is difficult to find a quiet place to sit. Staying in a hostel will make finding a tranquil place to meditate difficult. I am trying my best under the circumstances.

Afterward, I started on the coastal walk from Coogee to Bondi Beach. In total the walk is about seven kilometers, mostly along the coast. Over cliff ridges and through small beaches and bays. The landscape really reminded me of the San Diego and La Jolla area.

The beaches here are much smaller though. There really isn’t a long stretch of beach on this side of Sydney. I suppose Bondi is the longest stretch that I saw while I was doing the walk. A few of the alcoves don’t even have a beach. Just a bay with enough boulders for people to hang out on.

I stopped at Gordon’s Bay and which was one of the bigger inlets that wasn’t really a beach. I found a nice boulder away from the crowds of people, read a bit in the sun, and took a dip in the water.

Everyone Hangs Out On The Rocks Here

The whole walk took about three hours. I stopped at various places to rest and had some lunch about halfway through the walk. I finally got to Bondi around 4 o’clock and I was surprised by how busy it was. The government here released social distancing advice but the beach was still filled with people. It doesn’t seem like many people are taking the situation seriously.

Bondi Beach Was Still Filled With People

Yesterday was a rest day for me. I have been thinking about what my plan will look like moving forward. Right now I have a bus pass from Sydney to Brisbane, with stops in Byron Bay and the Gold Coast. I am unsure if I want to get on public transportation and I’m strongly considering staying in Sydney for a few more weeks.

I’ve also been looking into renting a car or a campervan. It’d be a good way to distance myself and get out of the cities for a bit. But renting a campervan, at least by myself, is going to be fairly expensive. I’ve come to the conclusion that living on a budget is not going to be reasonable for the next few weeks. I have some thinking to do.