Catching Up (Part 2)

Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty quiet nights compared to the nights prior. I was hurting pretty bad from going out four straight nights so Tuesday I slept in until pretty late. I wanted to get some things done for myself so I ventured out and did some laundry after breakfast.

On Wednesday I moved from the city center to St. Kilda which is a suburb of Melbourne located southeast of the city. It has a really good vibe to it. Very laid back, parts of it remind me of San Diego if I’m being honest.

Again, not much else to report. On Wednesday evening we went to the Victoria night market which was located in the city center. Only a twenty-minute ride from St. Kilda. The public transportation system here is pretty good actually.

We stayed at the night market for a bit, got a bite to eat there, and then we went to get a few beers afterward. I have been spending a lot of money on going out since I arrived. To be fair, it’s difficult to say no when you enjoy the company. At the end of the day, I was just happy to have another quiet night.

Yesterday (Thursday) was a bit more exciting. I spent the afternoon with a French woman that I met while I was in Te Anau. She lives here and she showed me around to a few spots around town. For the most part, we just chilled by the beach. The weather was perfect. Eighty-five degrees and few clouds in the sky.

We parted and I went back to take a nap because I had plans for later in the evening. I met up with Dana around dinner time and we headed over to a barbeque she had been invited to. She is part of the couch surfers network and she frequently goes to these types of meetups.

When we arrived no one that was a part of the group was there yet. There were a bunch of other people there and we mixed in with them. Eventually, the group grew larger until it was about fifty people drinking and eating right on the beach. It was a beautiful spot to watch the sunset. I should have taken a picture really.

Once the sun had set we moved further down the beach. Every Thursday there is a drum circle there. It was a really fun party. The drumming didn’t stop once and we were there for maybe three or four hours. Just a bunch of people dancing and hanging out on the beach enjoying a beautiful night. Hard to escape the good energy here.

We went into the water after one of the women that we were hanging out with made a cool discovery. We found that when we walked or splashed in the water the movement we created would light up. It would show as a neon blue stream of water. We looked it up and it seems there are bioluminescent algae in the water. It was a very cool sight to see.

Today I am just taking it easy again. I didn’t stay out very late last night. But it has been raining here all day and it just feels like a recovery day to me. I have not been cooking for myself so much this past week and I have to get back into doing that or else I will blow my budget for Australia out of the water.