Pit Stop

Its been about three weeks since I got back to the States ad I’m feeling really good about my decision. It’s been nice to change up my routine a bit. And my sister’s house is absolutely amazing. For the first time in over a year I have a fully stocked kitchen and a room to myself.

Work has been pretty solid too. I’m a little surprised how easy the transition has been. I’ve hit the ground running really. And I’ve been able to make my own schedule for the most part. So picking up some overtime but not killing myself like I used to do.

It seems like this is something that I can do on and off for a while. I’ve already spoken to some of the leadership at the firm and they seem open to it. So the plan can be to work for four months a year and travel for the other eight.

I’ve also spent the last few weeks reconnecting with some friends over video calls and it’s been really fun understanding what they’ve been up to. Hunter is getting married in Key West in April and my plan is to head down there to support him. It will be good to see a lot of my college friends there.

It will also give me an opportunity to see my parents. So I can head down there for the wedding and then stay with Mom and Dad for a week or two.

I’m not sure if I had mentioned it before but my plan after I am done working is to buy a van. Like a big delivery van. And then I’ll fix it up and build a little apartment in there. I’ll cruise the country and visit a ton of different national parks.

I’ve made the decision that the net year or two I’ll travel around the United States and Canada if it’s open to me. So these next two months are more of a pit stop in my mind. Keep the head down and make some money so I can execute on my long term plan.

Back To Work

I start work in a few days. I will say, I’m looking forward to it a bit. It will be nice to use my brain in a different way than I have been this last year.

I know a busy season is no joke. I will be working extremely hard at times. But I need to remember what my long term plan is. What I am working for.

It’s nine weeks of work. A sprint really. It won’t be a walk in the park but it should be easier to manage. There is a light at the end of the tunnel after all.