Comfort Zone

A few of my friends from Byron Bay ended up meeting me in Surfers Paradise on Friday. I was planning on traveling on my own for a while but I’m happy my plans changed. I decided to stay around for a few more days and travel up the coast with them.

Carter and Tobin are both Americans and they’re social butterflies, for lack of a better phrase.  Both of them are very focused on meeting new people, especially women. To be honest, it’s not always something that I am comfortable doing. Coming off my time in Byron Bay, my confidence was low and I was open with them concerning that. They took it upon themselves the last few days to push me to be more social. I’m very grateful for that.

I am definitely outside of my comfort zone and that’s a good thing. I’m definitely feeling more confident and sure of myself since I started traveling around with them. Sometimes it just takes surrounding yourself with a few people that are going to push you to do things that you wouldn’t normally do if you were on your own.

The last few days in Gold Coast were mostly party focused. I had a really good time though. I was staying at a quieter hostel than Carter and Tobin. It was nice to have the option of bouncing between the two depending on how we were feeling.

Yesterday was our last day in the Gold Coast so we took a drive down to Burleigh Heads. It’s about 30 minutes south of Surfers Paradise. This area is way more upscale than Surfers, which to be honest is a bit trashy. We took a small walk through Burleigh Heads National Park, the payoff being a great view of the Surfers skyline in the distance.

Now we’re in Brisbane and we’re thinking of staying here for a week or so before we move on to Noosa Heads. Not really sure what there is to see around here but the weather should be really nice over the next week. We’re talking mid 70s and no clouds. So we’ll definitely take advantage.

Carter likes to play golf and I was looking into the possibility of getting a round in while we’re here. It’s actually pretty cheap. Only fifty or sixty dollars for both the round and the club rentals. Compared to what we pay back home that’s super cheap.

I’ve already played a round of golf in Asia and Europe. So if I play in Australia I will have played golf on four different continents. It never was on my radar but I think it would be cool to play some golf on each continent. Not sure if Antarctica is a possibility but if I can get the other two in I would be pretty pleased.