Crazy Birds

I’ve never heard birds make the types of noises that they make over here. I woke up this morning to this bird they call a magpie yelling its head off outside my window. And it most certainly didn’t sound like a bird.

If I could describe it I would compare it to a monkey yowling. If you told me there were two chimps fighting outside my window I would have believed you without question. Quite the way to roll out of bed in the morning.

Anyway, there’s a holiday here on Monday. Australian Labor Day, except it’ not a federal holiday here. Each state celebrates Labor Day on a different day and on Monday it’s Victoria’s turn. So I’ll have one extra night to do a little partying. Not that I necessarily need it.

Another lazy day for me today. I actually got up at a decent time, got some breakfast in my belly, and then walked down to Degraves Street which is the coffee hotspot around here.

While I was sitting down at the table I saw someone that I knew walking down the street. I popped up and practically chased this girl down the road. I had met here about three weeks before when I was in Queenstown. She stayed in the same room in the same hostel while I was there.

I had no idea she was going to be in Australia and she was just as surprised to see me. Melbourne is such a big city and for me to see her randomly on the street here is ridiculously improbable. Things like this continue to teach me that you have to expect the unexpected. We’ll grab a bite to eat for dinner later. and catch up a bit.