Givers and Takers

So much to catch up on! It’s been my intention to write but there’s just been so much happening these last few weeks that I really haven’t had a chance.

After Carter and Tobin left, my friends from Byron Bay ended up coming to Noosa. It was great to see them. But to be honest they frustrate me a little bit because they all over the place. It was difficult to make plans with them because they have no idea what they are doing at any given moment.

I don’t take it personally. It just would have been nice to spend more time with them. I understand it was difficult for them because Noosa is not the best place for people with vans to stay. It’s not nearly as camper van friendly as other places in Australia. So they had to stay about thirty minutes outside of town.

I made a few good Australian friends when I was staying at the hostel closer to the beach. We really connected the first few days we started hanging around each other. Really deep, insightful conversations and all that. They invited me to go to Fraser Island and I decided to join them on short notice.

It was something I was planning on doing and at least with them I would have a more intimate experience. My plan was always to do a tour through a company because in order to go to the island you need a car that is four-wheel drive capable. And I wasn’t going to rent a car myself.

So instead we decided to rent out a car between the four of us. It worked out really well. Fraser Island is the largest all sand island in the world. So you’re driving through the sand everywhere that you go.

The Pink Car Was A No-Brainer

It was a pretty awesome experience, driving off-road through the trails in the forest. I was a little bit nervous at first, I will admit. But by the second day, I felt comfortable with it.

We ended up spending four days on the island and I think that was the perfect amount of time. The eastern beach is pristine and we spent the first two days driving up and down it, stopping at certain points along the way. The only unfortunate thing is that you can’t swim in the ocean there. Too many sharks.

The Beaches On Fraser Are Pristine

The last two days we spent within the interior of the island. There are plenty of lakes on Fraser and most of them have the whitest sand. From what I was told the sand is silicone based and it’s super good for your skin. So we took our baths in the lakes and my skin and beard had never been so soft.

Overall the experience will be one that I will remember for a long time.

That being said I am learning not to expect too much from people, especially backpackers. I don’t mean to toot my own horn here but I’m a pretty mindful person. When I make decisions I try to take into account how my actions and words will affect other people and the group dynamic.

Unfortunately, this isn’t always reciprocated and it’s a bit disappointing. I don’t take it personally but it can be a bit discouraging at times. I know who I am and what I want to be. Some people are givers and others takers. I owe it to myself to continue on this path. It’s the only way that I will be able to find my people. So I have no other choice. I have to keep at it.