
After two days at Somerset, we were ready to move on. There wasn’t all too much to explore at the tip at that point. We did pretty much everything we could do with our time. It was time to head south.

We had spoken to a few people and heard that this one spot called Mutee Head was a good place to stop off at. It’s where the Jardine River meets the ocean and the fishing was supposed to be very good there. The boys didn’t have much success fishing at the tip and they were dying to catch something.

We pulled up in the early afternoon and got after it right away. We didn’t catch anything until the sun was about to set. But for the next hour after that everyone was getting nibbles. Before we were done everybody caught a fish. I caught a catfish but unfortunately, it was not edible so I had to throw it back.

Everyone Was Catching Something

All in all, we had eight fish and we cooked them straight on the fire. Phoebe put together a vegetable stew as a side and it was just brilliant. Another fantastic meal cooked right there on the fire. We were joking that Phoebe and Jonno should start a restaurant. Right out in the bush with customers catching fish and having an authentic Aussie camping experience. It would be unique and I think people would be interested.

The next day it was time to cross the Jardine River again. That really was the close to our adventure to the tip of Australia. Now it was all about making our way back to Cairns.

We stopped off at Elliot Falls for the second time because it was just too nice to pass up. After taking a swim at the falls we set up camp right there at the campground. That night was Halloween and our German friend Phil was pretty keen to celebrate. He bought a pumpkin and a bunch of candy and that created a good festive vibe in the group.

Still Celebrating Halloween In The Bush

We had a lot of musicians with us and we realized we had enough instruments for everybody. So we got them all out and everyone started playing. A drum circle of sorts. It probably sounded like shit but it was cool to be a part of it.

Things did get a little strange towards the end there. We had this huge tree stump and the boys put it facing upright in the fire and then put the pumpkin on top of it. Then they gathered leaves and started a small fire inside the pumpkin. It was like a fire within a fire. Fire-ception if you will.

After playing with it for a bit they got it to stand upright. We were in a bit of a frenzy to be fair. At this point in time, it seemed like the best thing that could have happened. They do say a full moon makes everybody a little loose and that might have been the case with us.

I couldn’t help but laugh because to an outsider it must have looked like we were a satanic cult or something. Dancing and yelling at this huge fire with a pumpkin in it. But we had our very own Halloween tree and a few memories to boot. Who cares if you look crazy if you’re having a good time, right?