Heart O’ The Hills

We spent the next few days in the Heart O’ The Hills campground. About twenty minutes north of Port Angeles on the road up to Hurricane Ridge. The campsite was situated in the middle of the forest and there was a nice trail off one of the loops. It was the only hike available to us in the area because Hurricane Ridge road was closed now.

The trail itself was easy. Relatively flat and 4 miles long one way. The first two miles are through an old groove forest. Gigantic trees and wild mushrooms of all types. A fair amount of fallen trees. Their large root systems are exposed for all to see. It was really quiet and peaceful.

A Different Perspective

The forest thins out after this and the trail becomes muddy as you approach the river. I hiked it both days. The first day alone while Amanda rested. On the second day, we walked it together. Came across a mother changing her baby right in the middle of the trail. That was a fun surprise.

Taking A Stroll

The weather was relatively nice on both days. Probably around 70 degrees with a little bit of overcast. But the forest is so thick. Not much sunlight can get through to the forest floor. Even during the middle of the day, it feels like the early evening.

And the evenings are frigid in the forest. We put together a fire both nights to stay warm. It had been a while so it was a nice change of pace. We were able to hang the hammock close to the fire. A relaxing time.

We stopped in Port Angeles on the way out of town and took a little walk around. I was expecting there to be more. I assume most people enter the park from this area. But just a few restaurants and gift shops.

We did find a really great information center though. This lady was so helpful and gave us a ton of information about the sealife that frequents the area and things to do as we head toward the Pacific coast. They even had samples of real baleen (the thick bristles in a whale’s mouth) which we were able to touch.

That afternoon we took an hour’s drive down we moved to Crescent Lake. We did a small hike through the rainforest here. There is a small peninsula where the foliage is the thickest. It was really quite enjoyable.

Lake Crescent

The moss and lichen hang off the trees – it looks like something out of Lord of the Rings. The forest floor is covered with ferns. It reminded me of some of the hikes I took in New Zealand. Hard to take pictures of the rainforest though. It’s a bit dark and the photos don’t really get across what you’re actually seeing.

It’s quite a strange site really. At least for me. You have the moss and the ferns. The forest itself is so lush and green and full. And most of the trees are pines and firs. Some maples. But it’s an odd site. When you think rainforest you don’t think pine trees.