Hiking In The Rain

Yet again I find someone with a car. I’ve gotten awfully lucky the last few days because I am realizing that having a car on this side of the island is essential. We moseyed over to get breakfast; just a super quick one-hour ride away from the town.

I didn’t realize the breakfast place was so far away or else I wouldn’t have gotten in the car! I was a bit frustrated because I wanted to do a hike on the north side of the island. And breakfast became a full-day affair. A bit of a miscommunication.

To be fair, the breakfast was very good. They had these guava pancakes and, while they were tasty, they were a bit sweet for my taste. When we were done eating we decided to do a different hike than the one we originally intended on. It didn’t make sense to drive back. It would have been another hour or so and rain was in the forecast. We had to get moving.

We did this trail called Pu’u Ma’eli’eli trail (good luck pronouncing that) and it actually was a really solid track. With the exception of all the clay mud on the first part of the trail. More on that later.

It did rain, especially on our way up the trail. But it wasn’t so bad. More of an on-and-off drizzle if anything. It was roughly two miles up and then the same path back to the trailhead. The views made trekking through the rain worth it.

Another Solid View Of Hawaii – This Time The East Shore

The way down was a bit tricky. The mud was so slippery! Thankfully, there were some ropes set up that we were able to use. But the last section coming down the hill was nearly impossible. Falling down wasn’t an option, it was a requirement.

When we got to the end of the trail we encountered these four women. They totally embraced the situation and were just sliding and playing in the mud. They were completely covered with the exception of their faces. But they didn’t care, they were having the most fun out of anybody there.

Sometimes You Just Get Dirty

All in all, everything turned out okay. I didn’t get to the trail that I originally wanted to but this trail was good in its own right. I will definitely learn how to go with the flow on this trip. Sometimes things don’t go according to plan but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Just look at the girls in the mud.