International Climbers Festival

Friday was a pretty slow day to be fair. We slept in and hung out at the campsite until after lunch. I didn’t mind too much. Thursday was supposed to be a “rest day” but the trail work was actually fairly exhausting (surprise right?).

There was an expo in the main park and we spent most of the afternoon and early evening there. They had a bunch of different tents set up with different types of climbing gear. Amanda was really keen on buying a new rope but she couldn’t find anything that she liked.

They had a bunch of different events. I really enjoyed the table bouldering competition. Participants would start out on the top of the table and then would have to climb under and through the table. They drilled in a bunch of climbing holds underneath the table.

It was fun t watch how strong the competitors are. Bouldering takes a combination of strength and technique. I’m excited to learn how to use my body so I can become a more effective climber.

There were a few other competitions but they weren’t very exciting. We stayed around until 7 o’clock and made our way back to the campsite.

We got an early start on Saturday and made our way to the bouldering area twenty minutes down the road. We met up with a few of the women that we had met earlier in the week and spent about four hours doing some climbs.

Walking To The Rock Shop

We spent about an hour on each boulder and I had a really good time. Most of the boulders we were working on were way about my skill level but I still gave all of them a shot. I think I did fairly well.

This Ish Ain’t Easy

The last boulder we were climbing on was a bit easier than the others. I was a bit disappointed that I wasn’t able to finish it off because I think I had the strength to do so. But yeah technique matters too. I need to be patient with myself. It will come in time.

It was our last night in Lander so we decided to go out and party a bit. There’s only one bar in the town and they had live music so we just hung out in the beer garden and did a bit of dancing. The band was playing all different sorts of covers. We got everything from Snoop Dogg to The Rolling Stones.