Kepler Track (Day 1)

The first day was a lazy day. I didn’t get off and running until about 4 o’clock so I just relaxed. I only had to walk roughly two and half-hours to the campsite and I didn’t want to get there too early.

Most people hike all the way to Luxmore Hut on the first day which is about a five and a half-hour walk. But because of the booking situation, I couldn’t get a bunk in that hut so I had to stay at the Brod Bay campsite.

My new friend Lukas walked most of the way with me. It was nice to have company. He started on the trek the next day and completed all 60 kilometers in one day! Every year they have a race through the Kepler Track and the previous winner completed the trek in four and a half hours. It boggles my mind.

Anyway, when I got to the campsite I found a nice little plot right by the lake. The moment of truth arrived. It was time to pitch the tent. Thankfully, I did an excellent job (if I do so say myself). It was definitely better than my first attempt.

Not Bad For A Boy From the City

I took a quick swim in the lake and then chatted up a few people at the site. I met a few Americans that were on their honeymoon and they seemed to be having an awesome time. New Zealand would make an excellent honeymoon spot, assuming you were interested in hiking.

I didn’t get much of a good night’s sleep for a few reasons. First, bringing a sleeping mat is absolutely necessary because sleeping with just a sleeping bag is very uncomfortable, even on the sand. Secondly, I kept waking up because something (I assumed a mouse) was trying to get into my tent. I slept with the food in my tent so it wouldn’t get ravaged while I slept.

Brod Bay Was An Excellent Campsite

I woke up at 4 o’clock in the morning and I was utterly exhausted. But I had a long day ahead of me so I packed up camp and ate some breakfast. I started off about an hour after waking up. Just in time for Lukas to pass me on the trail.