
Anyone that knows me knows that I love to smoke marijuana. Sometimes I feel like it is a part of my identity. It’s something that has opened up my view on the world and it’s been a gateway to so many good friendships and experiences.

It’s been over ten years since I started smoking regularly. And slowly, over time, the benefits I used to accrue from it have faded away. It’s become more of a habit than something that is actually enjoyable to do. I’ve come to the conclusion that getting high no longer serves me as it once did.

In Byron Bay, I was smoking every day, multiple times a day. And it’s not a surprise that I was feeling down, socially awkward, and a lack of motivation. It wasn’t possible for me to be the best version of myself because I was high all the time. My confidence slowly diminished because I was not doing the things each day that gave me a sense of purpose.

It’s easy for me to rationalize and convince myself that marijuana doesn’t have a negative effect on me as a person, especially when I’m using it the way that I was. But it absolutely does. It’s become such a habit for me that it is difficult to admit that it no longer serves me.

I haven’t smoked marijuana in a few days and I can already tell the difference. I’m feeling sharper in my mind and more confident. I feel more motivated and self-assured. Of course, this isn’t the only factor but it definitely contributes to my overall feeling.

If I want to be the best version of myself it’s just not possible for me to smoke all the time. I’m not swearing off marijuana forever. I think there are benefits but it needs to be used sparingly. Like medicine that is taken at the right moment. If you take too much medicine it will start to lose its positive effects and might even turn into something that is negative. A poison of sorts.

Some people can smoke daily and that’s great for them. It might make them more creative, curious, and social. But everyone’s brains are wired differently. I used to push myself to be this type of person but it’s just not who I am.