Moab (Part 2)

Similar start to the day as yesterday – we headed to a cafe and got some work done. The heat was brutal so we really just laid low for most of the afternoon and then checked into the hostel for a night.

The hostel itself is pretty chill and Leon is staying here so we know some people. Makes things a bit easier.

We had an early dinner and then we made our way to the national park so we could find a place to watch the sunset. We went over to this area called Double Arch. There were a fair amount of people but we hiked a bit further and found a ledge to hang out on that was facing west. It was really peaceful there.

Sunset Near Double Arch

The next day (Wednesday, June 8) was mostly a chill day at the hostel. I did some reading and then I set up the slackline in the shade and played around with that for about an hour or so. I met a guy in the parking lot – his car was parked close to where I set up the slackline. It was fun talking to him but he was next-level hippy, to be honest.

From there we met up with Nima and Sabrena and hiked Mills Creek Falls which is a super short hike to a small waterfall and swimming hole. It was exactly what I needed – it was mid-afternoon and it was getting so hot out.

We spent a little over an hour there. I brought a melon and we cut that up and had a light lunch. 

Afterward, we went to one of the parks in town where a lot of the people who live in their vans kind of hang out during the day. There was a slackline set up already and that was a quick and easy way to make some fast friends. We met a few people there from the east coast and we will probably end up going back tomorrow in the afternoon.

From there it was back to the same campsite south of town. Nima and Sabrena made dinner this time. The quesadillas they made were excellent.

My Girl And I 🙂

Today was a pretty chill day. We started out at the cafe and got some work done and then we moseyed down to the park. Amanda got some more work done and I cleaned out the van and organized it a bit. It was a bit overdue.

Not surprisingly Thursday was another chill day spent in the park. Played some frisbee and set up the slackline and fucked around with that for a bit until a ranger came by and told us that we needed to take it down. They don’t like when things are tied to trees. Which I understand.

From there we went to the beach and hung out there for a few hours. I’m so thankful for the river here. Without it, I would be melting every day.

Once it got to be around six o’clock we did a bit of food shopping and went towards Kane Canyon. Amanda is really big into rock climbing and there is really great climbing in this area. We didn’t climb but we stayed at this campsite that she has stayed at before.

Really beautiful place and we had it all to ourselves. It reminded me of the Steamboat Rock campsite in Dinosaur National Monument a bit.