Moving On To Hagerman

Yesterday was a pretty quiet day for us. We went back to the food market and I hung out there for most of the afternoon. Played some ukulele and did some budget-related work. Just personal admin-type stuff.

We got back into the world at 2 o’clock or so and headed to the museum in town. It’s on the college campus here and it is not very large. They had a bit of everything. A small exhibit on geology and archaeology, another on the native people of Idaho, and they also had a small art collection. It was a good way to kill some time during the hottest part of the day.

Afterward, we headed towards Centennial Waterfront Park which was actually quite lovely. Right near the golf course that I played the day before. Amanda wanted to get a workout in and I decided to do a little fishing in the river.

I didn’t end up catching anything. There were a lot of kayakers and motorboats going up and down the river. It makes it a little more difficult to catch fish. But I still had an enjoyable time. I found a nice spot in the shade over in the trees and threw a few lures out there.

I haven’t fished very much in the last few weeks since Amanda joined me. Not that she has prevented me in any way. I just haven’t made much time for it. I have chosen to hike or play golf instead. But I would like to get out more as we move north over the next few weeks.

Perrine Coulee Falls

On the way out of the park, we stopped on the road and took a small walk to one of the larger waterfalls in town. You can walk under this one which is always fun. I reminded me of a miniature Wallaman Falls. The tallest waterfall in Australia.

The next morning Amanda had some friends passing through Idaho on their way to Oregon and we got together with them for lunch. We had a good time and I was finally able to track down some BBQ Jackfruit. It tastes exactly like pulled pork.

We got on the road in the later afternoon and stopped off at Balanced Rock which was smaller than expected but still pretty cool. Some of the rocks out here are amazing. Sometimes it just makes you wonder how something like that can happen.

Just Look At These Rocks

Our destination this evening was this small town called Hagerman. They have a huge aquaphor in this area of the state and we went to soak in one of the hot springs in the area. It wasn’t a natural hot spring but we were able to get our own private pool. It was nice to just relax the mind and body honestly. It’s been very much go go go lately.

We camped a short distance from the town on the Snake River. It was a beautiful little spot with quite a few people. It’s a boat launch site and I was able to fish some too. I caught a small bass so that made me happy.