Park City

The past few days have been very chill. I’ve been at the same hostel in Park City. It’s been good to have somewhere to stay, get some laundry done, have a proper bed, and have a full kitchen.

The people here have been really nice. There are enough people in the hostel where there are people to meet but it is not even close to being crowded. It’s the way I prefer it.

It’s been raining and snowing on and off for the last few days so I really haven’t gotten into too much. Just laying low and recharging a bit. I probably could have skied if I had brought my skis.

I did go to Salt Lake City with my new friend Cali and we went to the Utah Museum of Natural History. Pretty solid museum actually but nothing I hadn’t already seen before. A lot of the bones from the quarry in the Dinosaur National Monument are housed here. it was pretty cool to connect the dots.

On Monday I tried to do the best I could to figure out what was wrong with the air conditioning in the van. The air conditioning works great while I am driving but it will not blow any air, hot or cold, when the car is standing still. I wanted to check the fuses to see if that was the issue. The lowest hanging fruit.

The fuse box is in such a tight area in the engine compartment. It makes for a rather frustrating experience getting to it. 

Once I realized that the fuses were not the issue I tried to put the fuse box cover back on. I guess I was a little too aggressive and I snapped off one of the relays. I’m not going to lie – I was panicking a bit.

I tried to start the car but the engine wouldn’t ignite. Now I know that you need all the relays plugged in or else the car won’t start. Learning something new every day.

None of the auto parts stores were open because it was Memorial Day. I had to wait until Tuesday to get everything sorted. I plugged in the new relay and everything started working fine again. So crisis averted.

Got the tire fixed too. They put in a new valve stem since that was where the small leak was occurring. Just as I expected. That’s what happened to the other back tire a few months back. So I’m pretty much ready for my trip into the desert. I never was able to get the air conditioning fixed but I think I will be able to handle it. We will see.