
It’s been a few days since I started distancing myself and I’ll have to admit, I’m getting pretty bored. I am probably sleeping a bit too much but at the same time, I am grateful. When all of this passes and I am back on the road I don’t know when I’ll be able to get good sleep again.

I am trying to get myself into a rhythm while I’m here. For the most part, I have been doing all the things I’ve wanted to do. I’ve been exercising every other day and that’s something I’m happy about. It’s amazing how stiff my body feels. Even though I moved my body a lot while I was in New Zealand I still feel a lack of flexibility. Trekking up and down mountains is difficult but it’s just not the same as traditional exercise.

I’ve been meditating twice a day and that has helped me stay level headed as well. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed when I was staying at the hostel last week. It’s great to be around people in a time like this. Everyone wants the be social, it’s a human need. But the situation was developing so rapidly in Australia and around the world. And that’s all anyone ever wanted to speak about. My mind was not in a calm place at that moment. I was distracted and admittedly feeling a bit afraid.

I think it’s necessary to be mindful of how much attention you give the news at a time like this. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in every minor detail. It’s easy to get absorbed in all the different opinions. You begin to think that each opinion is a fact. But they aren’t. No one knows what is going to happen in the next week or the next month. All you’re likely to do is drive yourself crazy.

Of course, I am getting a bit impatient. I want to move on when my time at this AirBnB comes to an end. But I know that I am going to go insane if I try to predict what the situation is going to look like in ten days. Whatever the situation is I will have to accept it.

The best I can do is remain patient. Stay away from the news and the speculation and just focus on what I can control. When it is time to make a decision I will see where things are and make the best possible choice at that time.