So What’s The Plan?

Honestly, I don’t know what the plan is right now. I’d like to go with the flow as much as I can. I hate to admit it but I like to have a detailed itinerary in place before setting off.

But my experiences have taught me that being flexible is always a better idea. Some of my best travel stories happened completely out of the blue. I’ve met new people and joined them for an adventure that they were planning. Or someone at the hostel told me about something fun to do that I hadn’t considered before and I went for it.

I’d like to tread the line between planning and having no plan, if that makes sense. I want to have a few things locked down, especially for parts of the trip that involve experiences that I know will be in high demand.

I would definitely like to stay in the warm weather for most of the trip. I didn’t take a year off from my job just so I could continue being cold! But I think it is very manageable because I’m starting my trip in New Zealand when it will be summer there.

After hiking around New Zealand for a while the next logical stop is Australia. I understand that there’s a lot happening there at the moment with the bush fires but I can avoid those areas if I have to. I can still travel to the other parts of Australia that I want to see.

I am pretty hell bent on Bali after Australia. Flights from Northern Australia to the island are fairly cheap (though they are getting more expensive!). It’s the logical next move. But after this I am not totally sure what the next step should look like. I’m torn between a few options.