Still In Noosa

But I will be leaving soon. It will be difficult saying goodbye to Noosa. As of now it is my favorite place in Australia.

You always like places because of two things. The people you meet there and the way you’re feeling about yourself when you are visiting. And I’ve been feeling great and meeting some amazing people lately.

I tried to surf again last week and I would like to continue doing it from time to time. A few of the new friends I made are either learning or interested in learning. So about 5 or 6 of us went out together. I didn’t manage to stand up on the board but I still had a really great time. We saw a dolphin in the water. I must have been 5 meters away from it. A really cool experience.

Surfing is a serious work out though. My shoulders and back and core were so sore the next day. I have to give people who surf credit. They must be in tremendous shape.

We also did some hikes this past weekend. Mainly the coastal walk but we did manage to find a route to the caves down underneath the cliffs. A French girl I spoke with when I first arrived mentioned them to me and we got a big group together to go.

We went a little too far on the trail and we ended up at this small beach. The tide was low so we waded through the water to the next alcove that contained the caves. There are three and one of them you have to swim to get to.

This Is What Paradise Looks LIke

I ended up going back a few days after with a few different people and we took the shorter route. But I’m happy we went the wrong way that first time. It was a little adventure!

Last weekend I met an Australian girl at the hostel and we really hit it off. Just really clicked and had some great conversation. Went on a few adventures around Noosa and then we decided to go camping together. So that’s what I’ve been doing the last few days.

The first day we got a bit of a late start because we did a lot of shopping to prepare for the trip. We found a small campground around an hour away from the town. Nothing special – just a man’s property with a few lakes on it.

The next day we stayed in Surfer’s Paradise (the city that reminds me of Fort Lauderdale). I never imagined I’d be back so quickly but there I was. I actually ended up having a really nice time. I was able to see one of my friends that was leaving for home. So that worked out really well.

The third day was by far the best day. We started off with a hike down a valley to a small river. At this river there were two waterfalls. One small and one big. The small one was up first. Its was a twin waterfall dumping out into a small pool. It was so peaceful. We meditated for a bit. And then we jumped off the waterfall and into the pool.

Not Such A Big Jump

The larger one was down the river bed. It was not easy to traverse it. Mostly rock scrambling. It’s fun because you have to analyze the terrain and figure out the best way to get to where you want to go. A puzzle of sorts.

The larger fall was pretty impressive. We chilled there for maybe an hour and then started on the way back.

We stayed at a camp site that Gypsy had been too before. It was quite the charming place. Except for the goats. There were goats on the property and they would consistently bum rush us every time we tried to make some food. Here I am with a long wooden stick trying to fend off a herd of goats while Gypsy cooked up dinner. I couldn’t stop laughing to be honest.

There was this one small brown goat that would not take no for an answer. When all the rest were scared off this little guy kept coming. He would try different approaches. He would try to climb on the tent. He would try everything. But thankfully the human mind comes out on top again.

We made a fire and had a really good evening. We played guitar and we taught each other a song that we each knew. It was so tranquil.

I’ve been playing guitar lately because there are free guitars at the hostel I am staying at in Noosa. I haven’t played in a while but I am still playing quite well. I think I have a good amount of skill. I just need to push myself to learn some new songs.