Sydney As It Ought To Be

I might not have went on a camping trip but I still really enjoyed my last week in Australia. Sydney is a fantastic city and I’m happy that I was able to stay around for a few weeks and get a taste of what it actually is.

I can’t really say I did anything worthy of note. I took a visit to the Australian Museum, the oldest museum in Australia. It was similar to the museum I went to in Adelaide. They had a good and detailed Aboriginal exhibit. This museum focused more on the Aboriginal groups that lived in the area of Sydney. Whereas the South Australian Museum touched on many of the different groups throughout Australia.

They had a biodiversity exhibit as well. One part was specific to Australia as a whole (not just New South Wales). And the other part contained animals from all over the world. They touched on how Australian species were being affected by human intervention and that was interesting to see.

The dinosaur exhibit was quite good actually. They had a number of complete skeletons and the exhibit was quite detailed. It reminded me of the dinosaur exhibit at the Museum of Natural History in New York. I felt like a kid again.

A Shot From The Contemporary Art Museum

The rest of my time was spent just hanging out with friends. The weather turned out to be pretty good and I spent a lot of time at the beaches throughout Sydney. Sometimes I would go by myself and sometimes I would go with Carter.

The beach and the ukulele go really well together. Everyone seems to enjoy it. I get a lot of smiles. Or I can notice people putting their headphones away to give me a listen. It goes to show how confident I have become in myself. I have no fear of performing for people and that’s a huge step for me.

On The Way Back From Manly

It really was a chill week. And it was good to visit spots that I had been to before. We did Manly Beach one of the days, which is north across the bay from the downtown area. We hit Bondi which is just an amazing area. If I ever live in Australia I will spend some time here.

I got to catch up with an old friend that I met when I was in New Orleans for Luke’s bachelor party. Sandra showed me around Bondi one of the nights and I got to meet a few of her friends. I had a really great time. Bondi is a unique place because it attracts a certain type of person. It’s like a playground for adults that aren’t ready to grow up.

I also got to connect with Meghan before heading back. Just grabbed a few drinks with her the night before my flight. She is also heading back to the United States soon and it was nice to see her. We were able to talk about going back home. It’s a big step.

I won’t lie, those last few days I was getting a bit of buyer’s remorse. I was having such a good time in Sydney. Was I crazy to give this up? The idea of not getting on the plane crossed my mind. But I do understand that it’s time. If I want to live the type of lifestyle that I want to in the future, going back to the United States is the best choice right now.