Sydney Harbor

The last two days here were absolutely beautiful. So I took advantage and got outside to walk around a little bit.

On Saturday I walked for about three hours. Down into the CBD area and then out towards the main harbor. It was eerie honestly. Basically a ghost town in the downtown area. I saw buses and trams going by with nobody in them. I might have bumped into three or four people in a thirty-minute stretch.

The Rocks Is A Great Place For Pictures

By the harbor there were more people exercising and just laying out in the park. Observing social distancing measures of course. I found a really great spot to take pictures of the Opera House and I hung out there and soaked up the sun for a bit too.

Is Walking Under A Bridge Bad Luck?

I walked under the bridge and out the other side of the peninsula to another part that I really enjoyed. There was a park there and it wasn’t crowded at all. The bay is so large here and there are so many trails along the water. Especially where I’m situated now.

It’s turning to fall here and the trees are starting to change color. And I expect the weather to cool down a bit too. If I do go back to the United States it won’t be so bad. I’ll be trading the middle of fall for the middle of spring. Not such a bad deal.