Time To Grind

The last month or so has given me a taste of what I left behind. The long hours and the tight turnarounds. The stress and the unreasonable amount of coffee. And I’m confident that the decision I made a year ago was the right one. More now than ever.

Not that it’s be a bad experience. I’m happy to be making money. Ans I’m also pleased by the actual work that I’ve been doing. It feels good to be given a job and to excel at it. I feel more useful.

But having to do this type of job for years at a time is unreasonable. I’m lucky because in my work when it is busy it is very busy. They need the people. So I always have the opportunity to pick up work when tax deadline comes around.

I definitely feel more stress. Noticeably so. And I can more deeply understand how stress and being pushed away from my creative outlets affects me. Before I didn’t understand the difference as deeply. I’ve had the autonomy to choose how I use my time over the past year. And now that I don’t have that choice (at least temporarily) I can see the difference.

But it looks like this type of gig will be sustainable for at least a few years. I can come in off the bench when my help is needed and make some money. And then I can exit and live the way that I want to.

I’m so happy and so proud. This is going to be such a good deal for me. It’s just the perfect balance in my opinion. I can have the freedom a majority of the year and use my skills to make a good chunk of change in a short period of time.

Anyway, there hasn’t been much else going on out here in Colorado. I played golf once. It was unusually warm one of the weekends and Luke and I got out for a quick nine.

The rest of the time the weather has been pretty shit to be honest. It has snowed so much. We got a good storm in the beginning of March that dumped close to two feet of snow on us.

I was able to ski once as well. Joe, one of my friends from New York, came out and we went to Breckenridge for the day. It was business as usual. Sure there were signs and some precautions but a day at the mountain today isn’t much different from a day at the mountain pre-COVID.

I still don’t feel shocked or overly stressed by the masks or any of the other measures. I mean I’ve been keeping my head down and working. So I haven’t had much time to worry about it to be fair.