Wandering Around Devonport

I did end up going to the light-show down at the bay last night. It wasn’t anything super special. Just a 10-minute display on the main bridge in town. I did meet this family from New Zealand and they couldn’t stop giving me suggestions and tips. So far Kiwis are as nice and friendly as everyone says.

I called it quits early last night because I wanted to get an early start today. I walked down to the ferry and took the boat across the bay to this small town called Devonport. There’s this tall hill there called Mt. Victoria that I climbed. It didn’t take very long at all and it afforded some dramatic views of the city and the bay.

I plopped myself down and read for a little while. I’ve been reading this book on the history of New Zealand. I will try to read books about the countries that I visit as I meander around. Knowing the history of the people really helps to enhance the experience.

Devonport Is A Lovely Little Town

While there I met another couple from the United States. This time from Coral Springs which is very close to where my parents live. They were telling me that Queen was performing in the city tonight. It would be pretty cool to go but I think I will have to pass. The tickets are quite pricey and I want to save my energy.

I leave tomorrow for Tongariro which is a National Park in the center of the north island. The hike will take 3 days and I probably will not have access to the internet during that time.