Weird Vibes

It’s Monday and you know what that means? We have to find a place to work from. Problem is, there aren’t many places that fit the bill on the Olympic Peninsula. WiFi is a scarce resource here and cell service is unreliable. There is a small town on the northern coast but it was a coin flip.

We left early in the morning from Fairholme and stopped in Clallam Bay. I found a small food co-op that, according to reviews online, offered the coveted WiFi. But they don’t open until 10 AM. So we rolled up and figured w could work from the parking lot until they opened.

But soon after, this older gentleman came out to meet us. He was hard of hearing and it took us a few tries to get our point across. But eventually, we did and he told us to come inside. He was going to open up early just for us. Lucky us.

Amanda went inside and I took a small walk by the beach and made a few phone calls. Maybe it took me an hour or so.

As soon as I walked in the door and sat down Amanda gave me the “you’re not going to believe this shit” type of look. As soon as the owners stepped away she told me what happened while I was gone.

Naturally, Amanda and the older couple got to talking before Amanda got into her work. Them being so nice to open early and all that. They were carrying on and out of nowhere the older woman stopped Amanda. Said she couldn’t hear her that well.

Amanda apologized and started talking more loudly, assuming, as anyone would, that the lady was hard of hearing. But the lady said she could hear just fine. It’s just she had an issue listening to people who weren’t speaking their “personal truth”.

She shook that slap-in-the-face off and started working. What else could she do? She couldn’t leave. There was no other place to go.

Sometime afterward (but before I returned), the older man, just out of the blue, told her that sugar is terrible for ADHD. Amanda suffers from ADHD but she didn’t mention that to them. It’s like he knew without being told. At this point, it’s safe to say that Amanda was a little freaked out.

So I started talking to the old man, if only so that he wouldn’t talk to Amanda anymore. He mentioned that he and his wife were into meditation. So I told him I was as well. He asked me to sit down so he could show me something. You have my attention.

He got out three things: a book, a piece of canvas cloth, and a small fabric bag. He unfolded the canvas and it had what looked like some type of pie chart drawn on it. A circle separated into twenty or so slices. Each slice had a name. “Friendship” or “Happiness” or “Sex” to name a few.

He told me to think of a question I was looking for an answer to. But I wasn’t to tell him. Just needed to have in clearly in my mind. Then he told me to reach into the bag and pick out a stone.

The stones were about the size of a nickel. With a marking on one side. I threw it onto the canvas as you would throw dice.

Now, where and how it landed would mean determine what passage in the book you would need to read from. It was like a ouija board or some type of fortune telling.

To be fair, the passage I read hit the mark. Not completely so but it was a solid answer to my question. I tried for a second time, as I didn’t want to offend our host, but the passage was totally off. It seemed like the responses you would get from a psychic. Vague enough to apply to a variety of situations.

Amanda had a few meetings to get through in the afternoon so I chatted with the couple when they weren’t busy to keep them off Amanda’s back. I even helped them out with a few chores around the store. Kind of like a thank you for allowing us to post up for the day.

It was the first day of honest work that I’ve had since April and it was a fun change of pace to be fair. They even gave me a jar of honey for the effort. Pretty good deal if you ask me. But once Amanda was done for the day we couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Don’t think we’ll be coming back any time soon.