Zee or Zed?

Did you know that Americans are the only people that say “zee” when talking about the letter “Z”? Everybody else seems to use the word “zed” instead. I had no clue this was the case. It’s just one of those funny things that I would never have any reason to notice.

I tried explaining that “zee” is more proper because the alphabet song would not rhyme if “zed” is used. I assumed the British and the Canadians didn’t have the same alphabet song as we do. But the worst part is they do. And they use “zed” and it’s horribly wrong. I was balked at when I expressed this opinion. Oh well.

The last two days have been pretty low key. A part of me wanted to go and do the main track in town but it’s about an eight-hour walk and I decided that might not be a good idea at the moment. So I still got outside but stayed around the town. Walked around the lake and just hung out. The weather was fairly nice yesterday. We will see what the next few days will bring. It seems like rain is likely.

Lake Wakatipu At Night

I have been meeting so many Germans in New Zealand. I think I have met 3 or 4 times as many Germans as compared to any other nationality. And to my surprise, I have only met 2 or 3 Americans so far. Not that I mind. When you travel you want to meet other types of people and that’s exactly what has been happening.

I’ve had a good amount of free time and I’ve been focusing on learning German again. I studied for maybe 3 or 4 months last year but I stopped when work got busy. I have a decent vocabulary but I have still have a ton of work to do. The grammar is extremely difficult! I just don’t think it is necessary to have 4 or 5 words for the word “the” or “a”.

But I definitely think that I can achieve a certain level in German. It’s just a matter of staying consistent with it every day. Plus, I plan on meeting a ton of people that can help me practice.